One Bowl Brownies
from weevaliciousrecipes
* 1 1/2 c butter, melted
* 3 c white sugar
* 3 tsp vanilla extract
* 4 eggs
* 1 1/2 c all-purpose flour
* 1 c unsweetened cocoa powder
* 1 tsp salt
* nuts, chocolate chips, or other additions to mix in (optional)
(iron acres used chocolate chips and about a cup of coconut, and I ate the chocolate mint garnish with the brownie! Yum!!)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a 9"x13" clear glass pan (clear is preferable to keep the edges from burning).
In a large bowl, blend melted butter, sugar and vanilla. Beat in eggs one at a time. Add the flour, cocoa, and salt and mix until smooth. Spread the batter into the prepared pan.
Bake in preheated oven for 30-35 minutes, or until brownies begin to pull away from the sides of the pan (in California 30 minutes was plenty; in Washington I let them bake for 50. Allow for your climate. Also, if adding chocolate or something that would affect the consistency of the batter, add 5-10 minutes to the baking time). Let brownies cool, then cut into squares. Enjoy!
I was desperate for brownies, but I only had 2 sticks of butter (1 c) and special dark cocoa. Decided it was worth taking the risk in a chemistry experiment. Could have reduced the cooking time a little - the edges are a little hard, but all in all they came out great!!!! mlc